Friday, February 10, 2017

Trouble Ahead, DeVos in Cabinet

I found an article by Bridget Bowman on Congressional Quarterly called "Pence Casts Historic Tiebreaking Vote to Confirm DeVos." This article covers the recently confirmed member of the cabinet Betsy DeVos. Our current vice president Mike Pence, had to make a tie breaking decision on who our next secretary of education would be. In a 50-50 tie, Mike Pence casted his tie breaking vote to make Betsy DeVos secretary of education. No other vice president has ever done this before. This raised many red flags as senate was equally divided on her nomination. Having half of senate opposed to her is surely to be problematic. Not to mention the very radical statements that DeVos has been know to make. For example, when asked about IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act) and if all schools should to meet the requirements of the law, she simply stated that, “It’s a matter that should be left to the states.” This is highly dangerous as she is not informed of a major act that protects disabled students when receiving education. With the lack of support and her very radical ideas it is clear to see that this can have longer lasting repercussions. I suggest everyone take time to read this article and inform themselves about the possible repercussions of this nomination.