Thursday, April 13, 2017

Should we defund planned parenthood?

I wanted to elaborate on the topic of Planned Parenthood that one of one of my classmates chose. While I found their argument to be valid, I think it neglected some key parts. For example, even though Planned Parenthood provides abortion services, that does not mean it is the only service they provide. Planned parenthood provides affordable services that range from, safe sex education to cervical cancer screening that people count on. There are thousands if not millions of people who benefit and rely on these services that are both male and female. This establishment makes it possible for people to get preventative services, and be proactive about their health before it becomes problematic. It seems like the primary focus of their argument was purely based on their stand on abortion, and there was not much factual data. While I think they are entitled to their opinion, I think that the option should be there for anyone that wants it and whoever doesn’t can opt from the services. Why take away everyone’s rights to healthcare because they disagree with a service they provide there? It is apparent to me that their tax money will be going to this establishment and that is worrisome to them, but it will never be used to pay for abortions. Also, defunding Planned Parenthood because they offer abortions seems counterintuitive. The point of Planned Parenthood is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. If abortion becomes illegal and birth control is defunded the amount of unwanted pregnancies will skyrocket. One of the arguments that my classmate made was that “young people will never learn to take responsibility.” Truth is that not only young people use these services; there are plenty of older people with established families and multiple children that either don’t want any more kids, or cannot afford to have any more children and they rely on these services. If pregnancy rates rise in people who cant afford to provide for their children, who will be paying for food stamps and welfare? The taxpayers will be. Now we have two problems, stressed families and higher taxes for everyone. Defunding Planned Parenthood has a farther-reaching impact than what we see on the surface. While I think my classmate’s opinion is valid I believe there are many gaps in their argument.

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