Monday, May 15, 2017

Unknown Blog

I chose to write about the controversy surrounding the Affordable Care Act. Right now there is a split between support, on one side there is overwhelming support from the American people that need life saving treatments available through Obamacare. On the other side there is the overwhelming support from congress to repeal it and replace it with Trumpcare. The main dispute here is that instituting affordable health care for everyone is ideal to the American people but not for our US debt and deficit. But at what cost is this acceptable? Having a right to health care means that people everywhere can get life saving treatments. This is especially true for people that have pre existing conditions who otherwise would be denied health insurance prior to the Obama administration. Shouldn’t everyone be able to afford to save a life need be. Why should this only be for the wealthy and previously healthy. The United States is the global super power so why is it that other countries have health care for their citizens and our congress just took that right from us. The focus here should be on basic human rights for the American people. In 2007 62% of all US bankruptcies were related to medical expenses. How is it possible that it is 2017 and we are going the wrong direction. People shouldn’t have to ask themselves if its worth it to receive medical treatment or if they should refuse it because they’ll end up broke and on the streets. Although the house has signed a bill to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, the bill still has to go through senate. There is still time to fix this atrocity that is happening. It is vital that Americans take back what belongs to them, which is the simple right to health and a quality life.

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